Hacked! Medical Systems at Risk


It’s really important to build-in security by design, rather than bolting it on after the fact.

Kevin Fu Associate Professor, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Univ...

Hacked! Medical Systems at Risk


A cyberattack can disrupt a hospital’s oxygen supply, disable cancer-fighting radiation therapy, divert emergency vehicles, and force surgeries to be canceled. While data security has received a lot of attention, the risk that hackers will hold basic healthcare services hostage has far greater implications for patient safety. Ransomware attacks have already struck hundreds of hospitals and are rising sharply—experts say it is not a matter of if, but when, operational technology takes a hit at your local hospital. Designing security into medical systems and devices and making “cyber hygiene” a hospital priority are essential to harden hospital infrastructure.

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Hacked! Medical Systems at Risk

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