Kevin Fu, Associate Professor of electrical engineering and computer science at the University of Michigan, formerly served as the inaugural acting Director of medical device cybersecurity at the FDA’s Center for Devices and Radiological Health and program director for cybersecurity at the Digital Health Center of Excellence. His research vision is a world where science-based security is built-in by design to all embedded systems. Fu is most known for security research on technology to defend against vulnerabilities in pacemakers and defibrillators. His research led to revolutionary improvements at medical device manufacturers, global regulators, and international health care safety standards bodies. Fu founded the Archimedes Center for Healthcare and Device Security and co-founded the N95decon.org team for emergency reuse decontamination of N95 masks during pandemic shortages.

A cyberattack can disrupt a hospital’s oxygen supply, disable cancer-fighting radiation therapy, divert emergency vehicles, and force surgeries to be canceled. While data secu...