Deep Dive: Who Is Prepared for the Next Epidemic?


The horse is out of the barn. It’s a global world, and we need to be thinking globally.

Seth Berkley CEO of Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance

Deep Dive: Who Is Prepared for the Next Epidemic?


Although infectious disease outbreaks, from influenza to Ebola, surface with alarming frequency, more than 80% of the world has not yet developed an adequate response plan. Does your nation have one in place? Resolve to Save Lives has launched a new website that assigns an epidemic preparedness score to 180 countries, giving journalists, advocates and citizens the tools they need to drive change. Former CDC director Tom Frieden introduces the site, then will be joined by three of the world’s leading experts on global health security to discuss the state of the planet’s preparedness for the next disease epidemic.

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Deep Dive: Who Is Prepared for the Next Epidemic?

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