John Dickerson is co-anchor of “CBS Evening News” and chief political analyst for CBS News. He also leads the network’s election coverage and political special reports, anchors “CBS Evening News Plus,” and is a senior national correspondent and contributor to “CBS News Sunday Morning.” Prior to this, Dickerson anchored “The Daily Report with John Dickerson” on CBS News 24/7. He joined CBS News in 2009. Dickerson is a contributing editor to The Atlantic, co-host of Slate’s “Political Gabfest” podcast and host of the “Whistlestop” podcast. He is the author of “On Her Trail,” “Whistlestop” and “The Hardest Job in the World.” Dickerson’s recognition includes the Ford Prize for Distinguished Reporting on the Presidency and the David Broder Award for political reporting.

“The past is never dead,” wrote William Faulkner so famously. “It's not even past.” Indeed, the stories we tell ourselves about the past, always seen through one looking glass...

How can we overcome our own biases and stop seeing the worst in others? Psychologists and bestselling authors Jennifer Eberhardt and Adam Grant, along with CBS News’ John Dick...

Gather together to watch the 2020 presidential primary season continue with the second night of the official Democratic primary debate. What issues will dominate the discussio...

Finance is the engine of capitalism, according to Harvard economist Mihir Desai. Finance is what makes our whole economy tick, and its 600 year history is filled with success...

Studies completed after the 2016 election show that media coverage of both Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump was overwhelmingly negative, extremely light on policy, and disprop...

US officials have cited North Korea as the hardest intelligence collection target in the world; the problem of understanding its opaque leadership has challenged two generatio...

Too often, the decisions we make are driven by fear. With its companions worry and anxiety, it permeates our lives and wreaks havoc on our relationships and communities, holdi...

Donald Trump’s America First philosophy and his retreat from international alliances led pundits to dub Germany’s Angela Merkel the new leader of the free world, but today’s g...

John Dickerson and former CIA director, retired Army General David Petraeus, take a tour of the unprecedented threats facing the United States and the latest developments in A...

The White House beat is always challenging, but being in the press corps during the first few months of the Trump administration has truly been a wild ride. From the administr...

Historian Jon Meacham has written extensively about the presidency, with acclaimed books on Thomas Jefferson, Andrew Jackson, Franklin Roosevelt, and most recently, George H....

Stephen Colbert says, "Everybody should listen to the Slate 'Political Gabfest.'" Featuring Slate's Emily Bazelon, John Dickerson, and David Plotz, the Gabfest is the kind of...

When late-night funnyman Jimmy Kimmel tried to broker a debate between Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders, the entertainment element of modern politics became undeniable. And as...

Our signature event, the 2016 Afternoon of Conversation hosts an audience of more than 2,000 in the Benedict Music Tent. From criminal justice for the most vulnerable, to spac...

The United States can’t win the battle against terrorism abroad if it is vulnerable at home. In the era of ISIS, national security, homeland security and public safety are con...