Shall We Gather at the River


I’m super curious about the worlds of people that I don’t understand and that I don’t really like.

Eboo Patel President of Interfaith America

Shall We Gather at the River


In the U.S., there are twice as many Buddhists as Episcopalians and an equal number of Muslims as Lutherans — and the median age of Muslims and Buddhists is 20 years younger than their Christian counterparts. Meanwhile, the group known as the religious nones now makes up one-third of the population. What will this new religious diversity mean for our country, from classrooms to Congress? Will it lead to further division or deeper connection? Should we still consider ourselves a Judeo-Christian nation? This session explores how we solve the messiness around religion and considers offering a new model, one that’s more inclusive of the actual communities present in the nation. In our increasingly secular culture, what is the role of religion in making us feel connected to one another?

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Shall We Gather at the River

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