Kenneth Davis, 2018

On average 92 people a day die from gunshot. Imagine if that was Ebola. What would we be doing?

Kenneth Davis Executive Vice Chair of the Board of Trustees of the Mount Sinai Healt...

Gun Violence Triage: What Has to Change to Stop the Bleeding?

Kenneth Davis, 2018

Gun Violence Triage: What Has to Change to Stop the Bleeding?


While the politics of gun reform remain divisive, many Americans are convinced that when it comes to gun violence, something has to change. Whether it’s getting more data about shootings, more background on buyers, or more resources to law enforcement to interrupt cycles of violence, there is a growing chorus of Americans demanding action. In the absence of congressional action, what can other actors do? How can victims’ voices be heard and honored? What will it take to find common ground in an era of “stand your ground”?

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Gun Violence Triage: What Has to Change to Stop the Bleeding?

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