Evangelical-splaining AIF 2019

The problem I have is if you rationalize or defend conduct in your own team that you would condemn in others.

David French Senior editor of The Dispatch


Evangelical-splaining AIF 2019



The Pew Trust’s 2014 study of Evangelicals notes that roughly 25 percent of adults in the United States identify with evangelical Protestantism, the largest Christian following in the country. Three-quarters are white, though the share of non-whites who identify as evangelical is growing. On average, evangelical Protestants have somewhat lower levels of education compared to the US public overall; half reside in the South — though the South is home to 37 percent of the population. Pew shares that since 2016, evangelicals make up an increasingly Republican group — one that consistently supports the current administration and its policies. This last fact is not lost on the broader population, who regularly question how such deeply faithful citizens support a president whose behaviors and values don’t exactly match up to traditional Christian mores. What’s up with evangelicals?

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