Wingdie (Didi) Bertrand Farmer is advisor on adolescent youth health, gender, and development; ambassador; and senior advisor on community health at Partners In Health (PIH). A medical anthropologist and community health specialist, Bertrand Farmer has worked in Haiti, Rwanda, Malawi, Lesotho, France, and the Bahamas. She has served as director of the Community Health and head of the Biosocial Research and Social Development Programs for PIH in Rwanda. She is founder of the Women and Girls Initiative, which empowers adolescent girls and young women in Rwanda and Haiti through education and leadership development. Bertrand Farmer was chair of the Haiti-Rwanda Commission, initiated after the 2010 earthquake to promote exchanges between Haiti and Rwanda, and is a consultant for the University of Miami’s Global Health Institute on global health initiatives.

Leadership, gender equity, youth engagement, strong communities, and actionable research to inform health services are among the core elements of building global health system...