Cristina Gonzalez, professor of medicine at Albert Einstein College of Medicine, is an expert in the development of skills-based curricular interventions in implicit bias recognition and management (IBRM) for physicians across the training-and-practice continuum. In 2019 the National Institute for Minority Health and Health Disparities awarded Gonzalez a five-year grant to design and validate novel clinically relevant outcome metrics facilitating evaluation of IBRM interventions. Early in her career she was a scholar in the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation’s Harold Amos Medical Faculty Development Program, which launched her research on interventions aimed at IBRM in clinical encounters. Gonzalez continued her work as a scholar in the Macy Faculty Scholars Program of the Josiah Macy, Jr. Foundation.

No doctor awakens in the morning determined to discriminate against patients of color, yet their daily clinical decisions too often have that result. Implicit bias—unconscious...