Christopher Barsotti is co-founder and former CEO of the American Foundation for Firearm Injury Reduction in Medicine (AFFIRM), and now program director of AFFIRM at The Aspen Institute. Barsotti is a practicing emergency medicine physician at Berkshire Medical Center, serving patients in western New England and Upstate New York. As a frontline physician, health educator, and certified 4-H youth firearms trainer, Barsotti develops practical, interdisciplinary curricula and programming for violence and firearm injury prevention and harm reduction for diverse audiences and communities. He is a regular contributor to Emergency Medicine News under the column, “Standing AFFIRM.” Barsotti also manages his family's diversified and regenerative livestock farm in Vermont.

The nursing crisis is a healthcare crisis. Reports across the country are ominous –70% of nurses are reporting burnout, 32% are considering leaving the profession, hospital RN...

The statistics on gun violence are numbing—more than 45,000 firearms-related deaths in the US, far more than in any other wealthy country. Suicide is the leading cause of gun...