Amy Jenkins joined ARPA-H, the Advanced Research Projects Agency for Health at the NIH, in March 2023 from the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), where she was a program manager in the Biological Technologies Office. Her research interests include novel platforms for combating infectious diseases, as well as innovative manufacturing techniques capable of rapidly responding to a wide range of microbial threats. Prior to joining DARPA, Jenkins served as a senior scientist for Gryphon Technologies and as a researcher at MedImmune. Her work at that time focused on virulence factors and antibody targeting in multi-drug resistant pathogens. Earlier, Jenkins completed a National Research Council postdoctoral fellowship at the US Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases.
Research that can generate transformative, high-impact biomedical and health breakthroughs, from the molecular to the societal, is gaining traction as the Advanced Research Pr...