Alece Montez
Director of Programs, Orton Family Foundation
Alece Montez is director of programs at Orton Family Foundation, developing its Community Heart and Soul process that helps small and rural towns thrive socially, culturally, and economically. Previously, she was a planning director and economic development coordinator for the City of Federal Heights, CO, and before that, a planner for the City of Colorado Springs, CO. Montez is a graduate of The Funders Network PLACES fellowship, a board member of Colorado Association of Funders and Funders Network, and a member of Colorado Funders for Inclusiveness and Equity. She’s been recognized by the American Planning Association, International Association for Public Participation, Colorado Department of Local Affairs, and the Air Force Center for Environmental Excellence.

Rural America has come to the nation’s attention. But much discussion in the media and coffee shops, at conferences and dinner tables, relies on incorrect or no data, largely...