Thirty years of climate change AIF 2017

I don’t think of it as a climate change problem; I think of it as a global energy problem.

Michael Greenstone Milton Friedman Professor in Economics, the College, and the Harris Sc...

Thirty Years of Climate Change: What Will the Next Three Decades Bring?

Thirty years of climate change AIF 2017

Thirty Years of Climate Change: What Will the Next Three Decades Bring?


We’ve been exploring the concept of climate change since 1988. Yet the problem continues to elude traditional solutions. Maybe the problem is it’s not a problem — it’s an emergent planetary force, and we have to build a new relationship to it. Science has made it clear that it’s a two-way relationship. What have we learned over the last 30 years, and what will the next 30 years bring?

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Thirty Years of Climate Change: What Will the Next Three Decades Bring?

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