CRISPR 2.0, the Next Generation


Not a week goes by where we don’t find another application of CRISPR that can transform disease.

Samarth Kulkarni CEO and Chairman of the Board of CRISPR Therapeutics

CRISPR 2.0, the Next Generation


History was made this year when the first FDA-approved CRISPR-based gene editing therapy became available to patients, designed to cure sickle cell anemia. That represents ground-breaking progress, but the treatment involves a months-long ordeal with often-brutal side effects and it is hugely expensive. With dozens of CRISPR therapeutics in the second phase of human trials, hopes run high that next-generation approaches will be easier and cheaper to deliver and more patient friendly. The payoff could be major progress in treating blood disorders, cardiovascular disease, cancer, and infectious diseases.

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CRISPR 2.0, the Next Generation

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