jelani cobb AIF

We need more than anything else for people of conscience to behave like people of conscience.

Jelani Cobb Staff Writer, The New Yorker; Professor, Columbia University Graduate...
Aspen Ideas To Go

How to Talk About Race and Racism (Rebroadcast)

How to Talk About Race and Racism (Rebroadcast)

Show Notes

When Americans elected their first black president more than a decade ago, some questioned whether the country had transitioned into a post-racial era. But today race is a more prominent and intransigent problem than ever. As the US grapples with issues like identity politics, the Travel Ban, a wall on the southern border, and Black Lives Matter, writers Jelani Cobb and Wajahat Ali question the likelihood of a post-racial America. Cobb, a staff writer at The New Yorker and journalism professor at Columbia, says America needs to closely examine its imperfections and reflect on its history of slavery. He speaks with Ali, a New York Times op-ed contributor. This episode originally dropped in February of 2019. The views and opinions of the speakers in the podcast do not necessarily reflect those of the Aspen Institute.

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