It’s a busy time of year behind the scenes of Aspen Ideas: Health. Each day, we hear from the world's most inspiring and knowledgeable leaders in health, medicine, and science, eagerly confirming their participation at the Festival. Here's a sneak peek of a few outstanding speakers confirmed to join us this summer. Aspen Ideas: Health also offers continuing medical education credits (CME and CNE) to attendees.
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Aspen, Colorado | June 20-23, 2019
Esther Choo is a practicing emergency medicine physician and Associate Professor at Oregon Health & Science University. Choo is a founding member of TIME'S UP Healthcare, an organization dedicated to supporting those who are vulnerable to bias, harassment, and discrimination in the health workforce. Her research explores drug policy, partner violence, gender biases, and disparities in healthcare.
Marc Freedman is President and CEO of Encore.org and author of five books, including How to Live Forever: The Enduring Power of Connecting the Generations. Freedman co-founded Experience Corps, an intergenerational volunteer-based program that mobilizes people over age 50 to work with low-income elementary school children.
Chris Gibson is co-founder and CEO of Recursion Pharmaceuticals, a clinical-stage biopharma company leveraging the latest in automation, artificial intelligence, biology, and chemistry to discover new medicines at scale.
Edinah Masiyiwa directs the Women's Action Group, an NGO that promotes sexual and reproductive health and rights in Zimbabwe. She works to lift decades-old restrictions on abortion, while also advocating for access to post-abortion care to save the lives of women who resort to unsafe termination with current restrictions in place.
Rob Redfield is the Director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. A virologist by training, Dr. Redfield has made several important career contributions to clinical research and clinical care of chronic human viral infections and infectious disease, namely HIV.
Shirley Franklin is Executive Chairman of the Board of Directors at Purpose Built Communities. She was elected the first African American woman mayor of a major southern city in 2002 and served two terms as mayor of Atlanta, Georgia until 2009.
Ali Raja is Executive Vice Chairman of the Department of Emergency Medicine at Massachusetts General Hospital and Associate Professor at Harvard Medical School. A practicing emergency physician and author of over 200 publications, Raja's research focuses on improving resource utilization and innovating imaging technology in the emergency room.
Mariana Mazzucato is a professor in the Economics of Innovation and Public Value at University College London (UCL) and Founder and Director of the UCL Institute for Innovation & Public Purpose. She is the author of several books, including The Value of Everything: Making and Taking in the Global Economy. Mazzucato advises policy-makers globally on innovation-led inclusive growth.
Donald Warne is Director of the Indians into Medicine program and Associate Dean for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion at the University of North Dakota School of Medicine & Health Sciences. A member of the Oglala Lakota Tribe in Pine Ridge, South Dakota, Warne is a trained physician and one of only two American Indians in the nation to serve as an Associate Dean at a medical school.
Leana Wen is the President of the Planned Parenthood Federation of American and the Planned Parenthood Action Fund. A board-certified emergency physician, Wen is the first physician in nearly 50 years to lead the organization. Prior to taking on this role, she served as the Baltimore City Health Commissioner.