Vin Gupta is a medical analyst for NBC News and MSNBC and chief medical officer for Amazon Health Services. A practicing pulmonologist, Gupta has worked at the intersection of health and technology over the past decade, including with the Apple Health Clinical team on its Oxygen and 1-lead ECG features on the Apple Watch. He is an affiliate professor at the University of Washington’s School of Medicine, serves as a commissioned officer (Major, O-4) in the United States Air Force Medical Reserve Corps, is a term member of the Council on Foreign Relations, and holds board positions with the Center for Environmental Health and PNW-based Climate Solutions. Gupta has active board certification in internal medicine, pulmonology, and critical care medicine.

Nature does not limit its influence only to rural populations. In cities around the world, dense living conditions, lack of green spaces, substandard housing, and poor sanitat...

There is clear evidence that broader, more equitable access to primary care generates better health outcomes. But the traditional paradigm—seeing a family doctor in the office...