Stan Greenberg is CEO of Greenberg Quinlan Rosner and co-founder of Democracy Corps, which provides research and strategic advice to progressive groups, candidates, and leaders. As a polling advisor for corporate and political leaders, he was the senior pollster for President Clinton, Vice President Gore, Prime Minister Tony Blair, and President Nelson Mandela. Greenberg has done deep research on the economy for the Roosevelt Institute, climate change for NextGen, Israel, working women and the new economy, political reform, and the Nobel Prize-winning campaign to ban landmines. He is the author of America Ascendant and co-author of the best-seller, It’s the Middle Class, Stupid!

Deep inequality and stagnant wages. An emerging electorate of color. White anxiety. Anti-establishment anger. Millennial distaste for the duopoly of party politics. What do yo...

The bitter primaries, with their surprises and scandals behind us, Hillary Clinton, and Donald Trump. So, what’s next? What issues of substance will take the spotlight as the...

As the 2016 presidential election approaches, the economy is a tale of two realities. On one hand, employment numbers, housing prices, and corporate profits have rebounded sub...