Valdez Rudy Aif2018 0

Rudy Valdez

Director, The Sentence

Rudy Valdez is a filmmaker and director of The Sentence, whichpremiered at the 2018 Sundance Film Festival and won its US Documentary Audience Award. Ten years in the making, The Sentence is his directorial debut. Valdez got his start as a camera operator on the Peabody Award-winning Sundance Channel series “Brick City”and has worked as a cinematographer for Sebastian Junger on The Last Patrol, Whoopi Goldberg on Moms Mabley: I Got Something to Tell You, Geeta Gandbhir on Remembering the Artist Robert De Niro, Senior and The Conversation series of New York Times op docs, and Sam Pollard on Second Coming? Will Black America Decide the 2012 Election?.

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