Rachel Franklin is a classical and jazz concert pianist and public speaker. Her acclaimed wit, scholarship, and insights about music have led to speaking engagements for organizations such as the Smithsonian Institution, the Library of Congress, and National Public Radio. Since 2020 she has been in demand for her unique online presentations. She is one of the Smithsonian Associates’ most popular live-streaming music lecturers, and her topics explore intersections between classical and jazz music, film scores, and the fine arts. Franklin’s great passion is provoking connections and sparking imaginative pathways for her listeners and students so their own creativity can be inspired by extraordinary musical art. Franklin has performed in major halls across Europe, Canada, and the United States.
Whether it is wind, birdsong, thunder, or the gently lapping ocean, the music of the natural world is a primal force that can awe, inspire, influence our moods, and improve ou...