Paul E. Singer
Founder and President, Elliott Management Corporation and the Paul E. Singer Foundation (Festival Underwriter)
Paul E. Singer is president of Elliott Management Corporation, a trading firm he founded in 1977, and co-founder of Start-Up Nation Central, an organization committed to solving global problems through deepening ties between Israel’s start-up ecosystem and the global innovation economy. In his philanthropic activities, he has played a leadership role in supporting research and scholars in the areas of free-market economics, rule of law and transparency, health care delivery innovation, US national security, and the future of Israel. Singer is also recognized for his advocacy for LGBT equality causes. He is on the board of Harvard Medical School and is chairman of The Manhattan Institute for Policy Research.

Another take on the question: is the economy as good as it looks?

Will the boom in asset prices come to an end, and should it? How spectacular will the correction be? Will tax cuts boost the economy, leading us to better returns, or should w...

What are the factors that will affect economic growth? A distinguished panel of investors and business leaders are joined by a top observer of economic issues to share perspec...

To maintain and build a competitive edge, some argue that the rules of capitalism need to change: we should embrace a long term view of growth that rewards capital investment,...