Nicole Hockley is managing director of Sandy Hook Promise, an organization she and Mark Barden started after the death of their sons in the Sandy Hook Elementary School killings of 20 first-graders in December 2012. Overseeing SHP’s strategic direction and communication, Hockley focuses on enabling social change, bringing people together in honest dialogue, and searching for mental health as well as gun safety solutions. She has extensive experience in strategic marketing and communications for companies in the United States and the United Kingdom. Hockley’s family also created and runs Dylan’s Wings of Change, to honor her son and to help other children with autism and related conditions achieve full potential.

Meet and talk with two women helping to lead the charge and empower parents, schools, and communities against gun violence — often without even using the word “gun.”

No matter how you feel about guns and gun laws, public discussions to date of how we might reduce gun violence seem to illuminate little more than how polarized our nation can...