Lisa Altieri
Founder and CEO, BrightAction
Lisa Altieri is the founder and CEO of BrightAction, a company that creates software tools with the mission of empowering people on climate solutions. BrightAction’s platform helps people take action with carbon analytics, resources, and progress tracking and connects users to work together. Altieri’s prior experience includes data analytics, business management, and grassroots organizing. She has consulted for Silicon Valley execs, designing data-reporting and analysis tools, and has organized volunteers as a volunteer field organizer for the Obama campaign in 2012. Altieri founded and leads the nonprofit Community Climate Solutions, which launched BrightAction, and was CEO of Sierra Pacific Recycling, among other experience. She has bachelor’s and master’s degrees in environmental economics from UC Berkeley.
In this session, we’ll give early-stage climate solutions entrepreneurs a chance to pitch their ideas to the audience. You’ll get a peek at the new, exciting technologies that...