Juliet Litman is head of production at The Ringer, a sports and pop culture website and podcast network. In this role, she oversees an audio network of 60 podcasts as well as social and digital video. With areas of expertise including TV and the NBA, she also hosts several podcasts across The Ringer podcast network, including “Bachelor Party” and “Jam Session.” Litman was previously managing editor at The Ringer; before that she worked for its founder, Bill Simmons, at a podcast network that was part of HBO and Grantland, hosting podcasts including “NBA After Dark,” “Sources Say,” and “Right Reasons.” Litman was also formerly a special products editor at Grantland and a publicist at McSweeney’s.

Food — delicious, nutritious, and plentiful — is essential to life. But the way we’re producing and consuming it is anything but friendly to life on the planet, and we need a...

According to myth, Helen of Troy was “the face that launched a thousand ships” — her abduction having incited the Trojan War. Most of us can only dream of inspiring such passi...