Ingrid Fetell Lee is a designer and author whose work reveals the hidden influence of our surroundings on our emotions and well-being. As founder of the website The Aesthetics of Joy and author of Joyful: The Surprising Power of Ordinary Things to Create Extraordinary Happiness, she seeks to empower people to find more joy in life and work through design. Lee’s work is informed by more than twelve years of experience in design and branding, most recently as design director at IDEO. She was also a faculty member at the School of Visual Arts. Her TED talk, Where Joy Hides and How to Find It, has been viewed over 17 million times.
Big IdeaWe live in a world that is so sharply divided and polarized that sometimes it can feel like our differences are so stark as to be insurmountable. To me, there’s something really powerful in the idea that we all find joy in some of the same things. That underneath it all, there’s this part of us that has this silly attraction to things like googly eyes and rainbows.Ingrid Fetell Lee

We're often taught that our surroundings are incidental to our well-being, but an emerging body of research shows that the physical world can be a powerful tool for cultivatin...

From churches and libraries to parks and offices, the space we inhabit affects how we interact with others. How these spaces are designed, and ultimately used and maintained,...
Joy is a Form of Resilience