Glenn Loury
Merton P. Stoltz Professor of the Social Sciences, Economics Professor, and Watson Institute Faculty Fellow, Brown University
Glenn Loury is the Merton P. Stoltz Professor of the Social Sciences, Professor of Economics, and Watson Institute Faculty Fellow at Brown University. His critical writing on issues of social justice and inequality includes four books and over 200 essays and reviews. As an academic economist, Loury has made contributions to the fields of welfare economics, income distribution, game theory, the theory of natural resource economics, and industrial organization. He presented the 2016 Lee Lecture in Political Science and Government at Oxford University. Recipient of numerous awards, Loury is a distinguished fellow of American Economics Association, member of American Philosophical Society, and fellow of American Academy of Arts and Sciences.

Crime is down in the United States, but incarceration has mushroomed. Some might argue this is proof of successful crime fighting. But more and more leaders and observers thin...