Don Hankins is a professor of geography and planning at California State University, Chico and field director for its ecological reserves. With expertise in pyrogeography, water resources, and conservation and as a Miwko traditional culture practitioner, Hankins is interested in Indigenous land stewardship practices to aid in conservation. His current research is on wildland fire with an emphasis on landscape-scale and prescribed and cultural burns; ecocultural restoration approaches to place; and policy. Internationally recognized for his work on Indigenous fire, Hankins is an advisor to the Indigenous Peoples Burning Network, co-lead of the Indigenous Stewardship Network, and a member of the California Wildfire and Forest Resilience Task Force executive committee, among other service.

As the planet warms, wildfires will proliferate in forests, grasslands, and even urban areas — threatening flora, fauna, and finances around the globe. The good news is that w...