David Blumenthal is president and CEO of the Commonwealth Fund, a national health care philanthropy. Previously, he was chief health information and innovation officer at Partners Health System and the Samuel O. Thier Professor of Medicine and Professor of Health Care Policy at Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School. From 2009 to 2011, Blumenthal was national coordinator for health information technology under President Barack Obama, charged with building an interoperable, private, and secure nationwide health information system and supporting the widespread, meaningful use of health IT. Blumenthal has authored over 250 scholarly publications, including studies on the adoption and use of health information technology in the United States.

When a consumer turns over a food package, a well-designed label provides some core facts about the ingredients inside. In a car lot, every vehicle posts key data in the windo...

Fueled by a sense of mission and the recognition that neither government nor the private sector alone can set society on an optimal course, foundations play a unique role in p...

Universal access to health care means many things in many nations. Taxes support a single-payer system in the United Kingdom, and health care providers are reimbursed directly...

The United States health system falls short, bluntly declares the Commonwealth Fund in its recent report, “Mirror, Mirror 2017: International Comparison Reflects Flaws and Opp...

Health consumers are increasingly using wearable technology to track and analyze their behavior, and social media to exchange experiences with their peers. Ready access to ele...