David Baltimore
President Emeritus and Robert Andrews Millikan Professor of Biology, California Institute of Technology
David Baltimore is president emeritus and a biology professor at California Institute of Technology, where he was president from 1997 to 2006. He co-directs the Joint Center for Translational Medicine. A former MIT faculty member and Rockefeller University president, Baltimore has influenced national science policy on DNA research and AIDS and played a role in developing American biotechnology, helping found such companies as Collaborative Genetics and Immune Design. He received the 1975 Nobel Prize inPhysiologyorMedicinefor hisresearchintoviralreplication, the 1999 National Medal of Science, and other honors. His extensive board service includes chairing the International Summit on Human Gene Editing.

The technology for analyzing the genetic code of animals, including humans, has grown more sophisticated even as its cost has fallen dramatically. Increasingly, we can do a lo...