Chris Plutte is managing director of the Bezos Family Foundation. An entrepreneur and leader ineducation, media, and conflict resolution, he co-founded Global Nomads Group in 1998 and led the organization for more than a decade. Prior to rejoining GNG in 2010, Plutte opened and directed Search for Common Ground and was chief of party on initiatives for the Great Lakes region of the DRC, Burundi, and Rwanda. At both organizations, he managed project and program development. A speaker on media, youth, and conflict, Plutte has appeared on “The Today Show,” CNN, NPR, Education Week, and Chronicles of Philanthropy. He is a Pahara Fellow and a member of Aspen Global Leadership Network.

Every day, young people connect with peers around the world in collaborative, technology-enabled learning experiences where they learn about and with each other. This session...

Virtual exchange is online education that brings young people together in virtual classrooms with their peers around the world. These low-cost programs are uniquely capable of...