Aif24 Nwankwor Chiedo

Chiedo Nwankwor

Vice Dean for Education and Academic Affairs, Senior Lecturer and Director, SAIS Women Lead, Johns Hopkins University​ School of Advanced International Studies

Chiedo Nwankwor is vice dean for education and academic affairs and a senior lecturer at Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies. Her research and teaching are focused on gender studies, women’s political participation and leadership, and economic development in Africa. Nwankwor also directs the SAIS Women Lead Initiative and supervises the SAIS Women Lead Practicum. A fellow at the Center for Democracy and Development in Nigeria, she has consulted for the World Bank, Bloomberg Philanthropies and Premium Times Nigeria. Nwankwor’s work has appeared in Social Politics Journal, Studia Politica and Democracy in Africa, among other publications. She co-edited a book on the Nigerian National Assembly and has written several book chapters, including “Women’s Struggle for Independence” in “Oxford Handbook for Nigerian Politics.”

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