Aif23 Odgers Candice

Candice Odgers

Associate Dean for Research and Professor of Psychological Science and Informatics, University of California, Irvine

Candice Odgers is associate dean for research and professor of psychological science and informatics at University of California, Irvine. She also co-directs the Child and Brain Development Program at the Canadian Institute for Advanced Research and Connecting the EdTech Research Ecosystem funded by the Jacobs Foundation. Previously, Odgers led the Generation A.I. initiative funded by CIFAR and World Economic Forum to understand the impacts of algorithms on children's lives and learning. The author of over 100 scientific articles, her research appears in American Journal of Psychiatry, Developmental Psychology, and Nature as well as The Economist, London Times, and Scientific American, among other publications. Odgers’s recognition includes the Distinguished Contributions to Psychology in the Public Interest Early Career Award and Jacobs Foundation Advanced Research Fellowship.

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