Beth Ann Bovino is the chief US economist and managing director at S&P Global Ratings Services. She develops the firm’s economic forecasts and authors its quarterly US Economic Forecast, Financial Notes, Business Cycle Barometer, and research reports. Previously, Bovino did economic and market research with Sungard Institutional Brokerage, UBS Warburg, and the Federal Reserve. Bovino’s commentary has appeared in The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, Financial Times, CNBC, and Bloomberg, among others. Her recognition includes being named the most accurate US economy forecaster in 2013 and the second most accurate US economy forecaster in 2018 by The Wall Street Journal, as well as being inducted into the YWCA’s YW Academy of Women Leaders in 2018.
While the United States has the world’s deepest and most liquid capital markets, and the largest number of billionaires in the world, we also have historic levels of wealth in...