Saleh Saleh, the thinker globally known as Aram al-Doumany, was born in Baghdad in 1983. His father was an Iraqi military captain, one of the members of the attempted coup of the Assad regime in 1976. When his father was sent to Sendaya Prison in 1990, his surrender included the surrender of his family members: they were forced to live with their rights utterly violated. So in the first decade of the 21st Century, Saleh conducted sit-ins demanding the release of his father; he was arrested several times, for days at a time, and was tortured for his demands. At the beginning of the 2010s, the Syrian regime executed Saleh’s father on charges of violating the dignity of the nation and inciting a coup. Saleh then had the opportunity to partake in the March 15th revolution, demanding, along with tens of thousands of citizens, the toppling of the regime. Al-Doumany carried his weapon, a camera, to document what the Syrian regime did against innocent civilians demanding their legal rights and coordinating demonstrations in the capital of Damascus and its countryside.
This session will inhabit a number of angles to examine the Syrian Civil War, a conflict that’s left one in ten Syrians wounded or killed since 2011. How did the tragedy build...