Anil Dash is CEO of Fog Creek Software, creators of the collaborative coding website Glitch. An entrepreneur and activist, he advocates for a more inclusive and ethical technology industry. Dash was an advisor to the Obama White House’s Office of Digital Strategy. He is a board member for Stack Overflow, the Data & Society Research Institute, the New York Tech Alliance, and the Lower East Side Girls Club. The New Yorker described Dash as a “blogging pioneer” for his Webby-recognized personal website, and TIME named @anildash one of the best accounts on Twitter. He’s the only person retweeted by both Bill Gates and Prince, a succinct encapsulation of his interests.

We love the convenience of living online. But we want more control over where our personal information goes and who can see it. Manoush Zomorodi, creator of the Privacy Parado...

In the past, popular movements have forced major industries to confront their need for ethical reform. But today’s media, policymakers, and activists don’t yet seem prepared t...