Wicked Problem: What Should We Know and Who Decides?


Who does the job every day of connecting the ‘why’ and the ‘what’? Teachers... We simply have to equip this army.

Louise Dubé Executive Director, iCivics

Wicked Problem: What Should We Know and Who Decides?


In this new Aspen Ideas format, all attendees gather each morning to kick off the day by exploring a current issue of deep complexity. Debates over the content of our historical narrative and cultural values have Americans of differing ideologies engaged in heated battle, with educators and students caught in between. Meanwhile, have we failed to meaningfully educate our children about the basic rights and obligations of democratic citizenship? In a big, pluralistic republic like ours, what understandings do we all need to share for democracy to thrive, and where do we learn them?

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Wicked Problem: What Should We Know and Who Decides?

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