How Philanthropies Influence the Nation’s Health


It’s about taking stock: how we do leverage those assets we have to be most impactful?

Joseph Betancourt President of The Commonwealth Fund

How Philanthropies Influence the Nation’s Health


Constrained neither by the private sector’s quest for profit nor the political structure of government, foundations have tremendous leeway to pioneer ideas, pilot novel strategies, and pivot to meet unanticipated needs. Philanthropic funds can influence the health agenda by informing policy, advancing cutting-edge research, contributing to thriving communities, supporting workforce training, reducing disparities, and promoting access to care. The work requires a willingness to gamble, a commitment to untangling knotty problems, and the capacity to see around corners, accept disappointment, and continually adapt. Cultivating inclusive partnerships helps make all that possible. Hear from the leaders of major philanthropies about how they make the tough choices on where to focus their efforts and place their bets.

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How Philanthropies Influence the Nation’s Health

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