Envision Healthcare Presents: Following the Doctor’s Orders: Rebuilding the Doctor-Patient Relationship


With trust comes engagement and with engagement comes a more meaningful experience with the healthcare system.

Melanie Bella Head of Partnerships and Policy at CityBlock Health

Envision Healthcare Presents: Following the Doctor’s Orders: Rebuilding the Doctor-Patient Relationship


Modern medicine, with its prescriptive clinical guidelines, electronic health records, time pressures, and reimbursement complexities, too often leaves both patients and their doctors feeling dissatisfied. A movement is afoot to rejuvenate the healthcare ecosystem so that it works better for everyone. By aligning incentives that champion wellness and rewarding the quality of care, rather than the volume provided, doctors can be empowered to put patients at the center of their decision-making. Given the right resources, sufficient autonomy, and a structure that promotes collaboration, clinicians can guide a system of integrated care that moves individuals and communities towards health.

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Envision Healthcare Presents: Following the Doctor’s Orders: Rebuilding the Doctor-Patient Relationship

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