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Doubt isn't the opposite of faith -- it says that you're asking questions, and that's a good thing.

Adam Hamilton Co-Founder and Senior Pastor, United Methodist Church of the Resurrect...
Aspen Ideas To Go

Seeing Gray in a World of Black and White (Rebroadcast)

Seeing Gray in a World of Black and White (Rebroadcast)

Show Notes

What role does faith play in bringing people together? Reverend Adam Hamilton pastors the largest United Methodist church in America. Within his Kansas congregation, he observes deep divisions that reflect the larger disunity in our nation. These divisions, he thinks, are tearing at our social fabric. His plan: to get people to think differently by focusing on influencing, not irritating, and seeing the humanity in others — even those we strongly disagree with. He speaks with David Brooks, New York Times op-ed columnist and commentator on PBS NewsHour. Brooks is also an executive director at the Aspen Institute.


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