Can Ed-Tech Bridge the Gap Between Talent and Opportunity?
With an unprecedented start to the 2020-21 school year underway in communities across the nation, technology is playing a new role in the learning lives of students of all ages. Tech tools that can keep students engaged and help guard against learning loss are suddenly front and center for educators and learning guardians. Hear from Jessie Woolley-Wilson, President & CEO of DreamBox Learning, and Steve Ellis, co-managing partner of the Rise Fund, about how ed-tech platforms are adapting for the new normal, why the digital divide is keeping them up at night, and a word of advice to parents approaching the school year with heavy hearts. Presented by the Rise Fund
Reinventing Normal: The Setbacks and Silver Linings of Online Learning
Roughly 16 million kids and 400,000 teachers lack adequate internet or devices. Only one in five Black parents and one in six Latinx parents can work from home to assist young learners. When “back to school” means learning from home for millions of American families, the reality of educating children during a pandemic can be overwhelming. And yet the spirit of innovation is thriving. Educators are figuring out creative ways to reach students. Policymakers are imagining how to integrate the best ideas into school forever. Former US Secretary of Education John King and Robin Lake, director of the Center on Reinventing Public Education, share success stories and emerging new practices. Presented by the Walton Family Foundation
Using 2020 as a Teachable Moment in Education
The pandemic and social unrest around racism make it a challenging time for students and educators, but it’s also a period of opportunity. Janice Jackson, CEO of Chicago Public Schools, says it’s time to address long-standing inequities in education. In her district, the third largest in the country, students have been learning about justice and restorative practices — even before the death of George Floyd. With today’s crises unearthing large disparities, how can educators avoid returning to the status quo? Jackson and Linda Darling-Hammond, president of the California State Board of Education, discuss being authentic with students and curriculum grounded in this moment. Their conversation is led by Ross Wiener, vice president at the Aspen Institute and executive director of the Education and Society Program.