When Warriors Return: America and its Veterans
America is at a critical and potentially existential moment. Tribal polarization is at an all-time high. Yet veteran representation in Congress is at an all-time low. Veterans...
The Veterans Health Administration, which serves nine million vets, has come under fire for long delays in providing services and reimbursing clinicians, and fixes are clearly...
Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) haunts some 300,000 veterans who have returned from Afghanistan or Iraq. Drugs and psychotherapy provide only partial relief. Increasingl...
Thanks to improved battlefield trauma care, many of the men and women who are fighting 21st-century wars survive grievous injuries that leave them forever scarred. Post-trauma...
"Redeployment" takes readers to the front lines of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.
How can the arts enable healing? In healthcare facilities and veterans’ hospitals, the arts are doing crucial work today. Learn and experience how the arts rehabilitate both p...