Saving Democracy from Self-Destruction

As Alexander Hamilton famously wrote in the Federalist Papers, the judiciary is the weakest of our three branches of government. Without “purse” or “sword,” the US Supreme Cou...

There’s nothing so sacred — or lately, so contested — as casting a ballot. But once the circle is filled, the screen is pressed, or the hole is punched, how can we be sure our...

Secretary Madeleine K. Albright served as a trustee of the Aspen Institute from 2002 until her passing in March of this year. In 1997, she was appointed by President Bill Clin...

Over the last two years, the nation seems to have been broken. Against the background of a politicized pandemic, there was a verbal and legal assault on democracy predicated o...

The 2022 primary season continues to unfold as a test of former President Trump’s hold over the Republican party. What have electoral results thus far told us about how intern...

“Follow the science” has become a Democratic mantra, but many Americans are wary of experts and believe elites look down on them. Have Democrats become too identified with tec...

In the last decade, the people of democratic societies across the globe have elected autocratic leaders. These populist strongmen have undermined democratic institutions with...

Our politics is polarized, and, with Donald Trump poised for a comeback, democracy is in peril. Drawing on themes from his book, The Tyranny of Merit: Can We Find the Common G...

In the wake of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, foreign policy strategists continue to debate what motivates Russian President Vladimir Putin and what could be his endgame. Not f...