Rob Portman is a US Senator representing the state of Ohio, since 2010. He is a senior member of the Senate Foreign Relations, Finance, and Joint Economic committees and serves as the Republican leader on the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee. Previously, Portman represented the Second Congressional District of Ohio in the House of Representatives for 12 years and was President George W. Bush’s US trade representative and director of the Office of Management and Budget. During his Senate tenure, 187 of his bills have been signed into law, including the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act of 2021, of which he served as lead Republican negotiator. Portman has also been a leader on retirement security, co-authoring four bipartisan bills on the issue.

The pandemic wreaked havoc on firms across the US, and the smaller businesses that actually comprise the majority of economic enterprises were hit hardest. There are 31.7 mill...

Perhaps the most palpable of the pandemic’s economic aftershocks have been dramatic and widespread supply chain disruptions, which have upended expectations for businesses and...

The Afternoon of Conversation is the Aspen Ideas Festival's pinnacle programming moment. Over 2,000 people gather in the Benedict Music Tent, an open-air venue with acoustics...