Phumlani Majozi
Macroeconomic and Political Analyst
Phumlani Majozi is a macroeconomic and political analyst. Experienced in advising international investors on South Africa’s financial markets, his writing on economics and politics have appeared in City Press, Business Day and Mail and Guardian, among other publications. Majozi has also been a guest on eNews Channel Africa, BBC World News and CNBC Africa, among other networks. He is the author of “Lessons from Past Heroes.” An invitee to the 2023 Alliance for Responsible Citizenship inaugural conference in London, Majozi is a board member of South African Institute of Race Relations, South African Institute of Business Accountants, Social Research Foundation, and Organization Undoing Tax Abuse. His recognition includes being named to Avance Media’s 2016 and 2017 100 Most Influential Young South Africans lists.
Africa is a rising giant. By 2050, one in four people on the planet will be African, and by 2060, Africa will have the largest labor force in the world. A former Nigerian pres...